
Gustavo Xavier and Alex Malacarne win stage coming back to Arraial d'Ajuda at Santander Brasil Ride Bahia

Fifth stage was decided in the final sprint, with three teams fighting for the win. Rezende/Galinsi and Becking/Dias completed the top 3. Among the women, the Germans reduced the gap to 5 minutes behind the leaders, Marcella Toldi and Lutecia Azevedo

11.11.2021  |  600 visualizações

The fifth stage of Santander Brasil Ride Bahia, with the return of Guaratinga to Arraial D'Ajuda, in Porto Seguro, was marked by opposite situations in the elites, men and women. Among men, Hans Becking (NLD) and José Dias (POR) increased the gap in the lead and just watched the dispute for the first place in the stage, between the winners of the day, Gustavo Xavier and Alex Malacarne, against Edson Rezende and Ulan Galinski, runners up. Among women, the Germans Naima Diesner and Anna Jördens won the third consecutive stage and are now just 5 minutes behind Marcella Toldi and Lutecia Azevedo, after ending the second day 39 minutes behind the leaders.

Four teams lead the stage most of the time today: Periklis Ilias/Andreas Miltiadis (DMT Marconi II Team), who had to face a problem on Andreas' wheel on Km 100, and had no chance to compete for the podium; Gustavo Xavier/Alex Malacarne (Specialized Racing BR Team), Edson Rezende/Ulan Galisnki (Caloi Henrique Avancini Racing team); and Hans Becking/José Dias (Buff Scott MTB team). 

With the results of the day, Hans and José lead by 18min58, totaling 18h14min31 during the five days. News came in second and third places. Rezende and Galinski are in second (18:33:29), followed by Xavier and Malacarne (18:37:38). Overall leaders for two stages (2 and 3), and best in the Americas in stage four, Sherman Trezza and Lukas Kaufmann (Ciclogiro Scott/Hoffmannpedal Sport Team) are now fourth places overall (18h41min18).

Germans shorten the distance - Naima Diesner and Anna Jördens continue to chase women's leaders, Marcella Toldi and Lutecia Azevedo. After having mechanical problems last Monday (8), the gap was 39 minutes, now only 5 minutes separate the two teams in their quest for the title. 

"I lost one life today," Anna said playfully. "45 minutes before the start, I had to see the race doctor, room because I wasn't feeling well at all. During the race, the only thing I saw was Naima's rear wheel. In the end, I felt really good and she felt bad. That’s life in cycling. That's the game," added the German.

Live Streaming – The Brasil Ride Stage News will be streaming every evening with all you need to know about the competition, day by day. There will be eight shows, from Saturday (6) to Saturday (13). Check out the daily schedule of the show, which will be broadcast on Brasil Ride’ YouTube and Facebook:
Friday – 11/12 – 7pm
Saturday – 11/13 – 9 pm

Top 5 of the stage

1 - Gustavo Xavier / Alex Malacarne - 5h31min37
2 - Edson Rezende / Ulan Galinski - 5h31min41
3 - Hans Becking (NLD) / José Dias (POR) - 5h31min46
4 - Sherman Trezza / Lukas Kaufmann - 5h50min26
5 - Periklis Ilias (GRE) / Andreas Miltiadis (CYP) - 5h52min36

1 - Naima Diesner (ALE) / Anna Jördens (ALE) - 7h05min26
2 - Marcella Toldi / Lutecia Azevedo - 7h16min34
3 - Aline Olmedo / Lucinéia Brunetta - 7h41min46
4 - Laianna Lacerda / Natalia Radatz - 9h09min20
5 - Ada Pires / Raissa Zortea - 9h29min16

Top 5 GC

1 - Hans Becking (NLD) / José Dias (POR) - 18h14min31
2 - Edson Rezende / Ulan Galinski - 18h33min29
3 - Gustavo Xavier / Alex Malacarne - 18h37min38
4 - Sherman Trezza / Lukas Kaufmann - 18h41min18
5 - Andrew Henriques (POR) / Filipe Francisco (POR) - 18h59min36

1 - Marcella Toldi / Lutecia Azevedo - 24h20min56
2 - Naima Diesner (GER) / Anna Jördens (GER) - 24min26min04
3 - Aline Olmedo / Lucinéia Brunetta - 28h56min58
4 - Ada Pires / Raissa Zortea - 33h20min52
5 - Laianna Lacerda / Natalia Radatz - 33h45min26

The Ministry of Citizenship and the Special Secretariat for Sports present Santander Brasil Ride Bahia, through the Sports Incentive Law. The event, which reaches its 11th edition in 2021, is sponsored by the Government of Bahia, through SETRE (Department of Labor, Income, Employment and Sports), Santander, Specialized, Jeep, Shimano and Unidas. Also the support of Coca Cola, Continental, Full Gas, HB, Garmin, RedBull, Spot, Squirt, Thule, in addition to having the municipalities of Porto Seguro and Guaratinga and Instituto Brasil Ride as institutional supporters of the event.

The 7 stages of the ultramarathon:
5th stage, on 11/11 at 8 am - 143 km and 2,336 m accumulated climbing from Guaratinga to Arraial
6th stage, on 11/12 at 10 am - 31.7 km and 564 m accumulated climbing in Arraial d'Ajuda
7th stage, on 11/13 at 9:30 am - 46.7 km and 548 m accumulated climbing in Arraial d'Ajuda

Santander Brasil Ride: More than a race, a stage in your life.

More information about Santander Brasil Ride:

ZDL Sports Press Information:
ZDL Sports - Gustavo Coelho / Doro Jr. - Mtb 13209


  • Men's podium
    (Mario Jordany / Santander Brasil Ride)

  • The Winners
    (Rosita Belinky / Santander Brasil Ride)

  • The elite athletes during the race
    (Wladimir Togumi / Santander Brasil Ride)

  • Women's elite podium
    (Wladimir Togumi / Santander Brasil Ride)

  • The camping during the night
    (Wladimir Togumi / Santander Brasil Ride)

  • Aerial viewn of Santander Brasil Ride Village
    (Marcelo Maragni / Santander Brasil Ride)

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Hans Becking and José Dias are the winners of Santander Brasil Ride Bahia 2021

Runners-up of the edition are Gustavo Xavier and Alex Malacarne, the best duo in the Americas. Among women, the Germans Naima Diesner and Anna Jördens won the fifth stage in a row and secured the title in Arraial d'Ajuda


José Dias (POR) and Marcella Toldi (BRA) win the Santander Brasil Ride Bahia XCO

Xavier and Malacarne completed the men's top 3, while the women's podium had Germany's Jördens and Diesner. Decision will be on Saturday morning, during the Discovery Marathon


Santander Brasil Ride Bahia: "Queen Stage" with Hans Becking and José Dias win, recovering leader jersey

The fourth in seven stages was disputed this Wednesday morning in Guaratinga (BA), in the last day of camp. Next Thursday (11), the race has its longest stage, with more than 140 Km returing to Arraial d'Ajuda


Santander Brasil Ride Bahia rookies, Gustavo Xavier and Alex Malacarne win stage for the first time

In the dispute for the lead, Sherman Trezza and Lukas Kaufmann increased the slack in the lead, going from 46 seconds to 1:48. Among women, Germans Naima Diesner and Anna Jördens won for the first time

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